Ethernal Faces

Become Immortal on the Blockchain.

Ethernal Faces is an artistic attempt to make people immortal on the blockchain. It uses blockchain infrastructure, image compression techniques and pop cultural references to let people become an NFT themselves.
  • solidity
  • next.js
  • IPFS
  • tailwind
  • 2022

I Created an NFT Project to Prove a Point

Somehow I've been averse to the NFT hype for quite a while. For someone who studied art in the heart of leftist political Germany, it's even harder to endorse NFTs. As a programmer, however, I became technologically interested in blockchains and NFTs. A very strange symbiosis then grew out of that. A symbiosis of criticism of capitalism, art and technology.

About the Project

To briefly explain what this project is about, the easiest way is to watch this video I made:


Why Starting at All?

When the big hype about NFTs started in 2021, I quietly observed the situation to find out what was actually happening there in terms of pop culture. And I found it strange that people were spending so much money on avatars. At the same time, I noticed how Web3.0 was suddenly supposed to be a technological revolution.

And it struck me: Why, with all the transparency and decentralization, isn't it about your own face? I did some research, and to this day I haven't come across any project that deals with this. (In general, I noticed that few projects are really artistic projects)

I had to start because I was annoyed and interested at the same time. And also I wanted to make it happen that people can become truly immortal on the blockchain, which was in terms of technology as difficult as flying to the moon.

Like Flying to the Moon?

  1. click here

Smart Contracts and the Future

A good side effect of the project: I learned to write smart contracts. To this day, I think blockchains are the technology of the future and that we can make a big difference in combination with Web2.0.

Me, having fun developing Ethernal Faces.

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